Our Services

We provide both surgical and non surgical treatment options for the following conditions

  • Fractures

  • Dislocations

  • Dupuytren’s disease

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Tendon Injuries and transfers

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Swelling

  • Complex regional pain syndrome

  • Trigger finger

  • Nerve injuries

  • Sports Injuries

  • Joint Replacements and Fusions

  • Ligament injuries

  • Ganglions

  • Soft tissue injuries

  • Scar hypersensitivity

  • Tendonopathies

  • Wrist pain

  • Crush injuries

  • Scar management 

Package Options

Please note that our package offerings are designed to provide you with comprehensive care and cost-effective solutions. They are options, not requirements. We understand that each individual's injury or condition is unique, and we are happy to offer individual appointments for tailored care regardless of your choice of package.

Carpal Tunnel
Package -

Are sleepless nights and numbness taking a toll on your life?
Our Carpal Tunnel package is your pathway to a peaceful night's rest and the return of sensation to your hand. This comprehensive package includes:

  • Initial consultation

  • Prescription of appropriate orthosis (wrist brace, etc.)

  • Massage cream

  • Education about the nature of your condition

  • Home exercise program

  • 3 review appointments

Trigger Finger
Package -

Unlock the power of your hand with our Trigger Finger package.
Bid farewell to stiffness and discomfort with:

  • Initial consultation

  • Prescription of appropriate orthosis (finger splints, etc.)

  • Education about the nature of your condition

  • Home exercise program

  • 3 review appointments

DeQuervain's Tensynovitis Relief Package - $450

Your Thumb's Best Friend!

Struggling with a persistent "thumbache" that just won't quit? Don't let "thumb pain" cramp your style any longer! 

What's Included:

  • Initial consultation

  • Prescription of appropriate orthosis (counterforce brace, splints, etc.)

  • Massage cream

  • Education about the nature of your condition

  • Home exercise program, including strengthening equipment

  • 3 review appointments 

Reclaim your hand's vitality and strength with our expert care. Don't let hand discomfort hold you back any longer. Embrace the joy of a pain-free, active life with our hand care packages. Your journey to hand wellness starts here!

What we offer

Custom-made splint fabrication:

We fabricate splints that are custom made to maximise your recovery and rehabilitation. These include splints to protect minor injuries, post-operative splints, exercise and mobilisation splints and joint protection splints. Splinting can also be used to rest painful joints, promote movement, prevent deformity and enable functional use of the hand. Your therapist will discuss with you and provide a splint suitable for your clinical indications and can be made at the time of your appointment.

Wound Care:

Our hand therapists are skilled in wound and scar management. This includes cleaning, dressing, removal of sutures and advice on wound management. All wound care is provided following best practice and evidence-based protocols to reduce risk of infection and facilitate healing. Wound care is also an integral part of your recovery to reduce the risk of excessive scarring and adhesions.


Exercise is provided specifically for rehabilitation post-injury, and will be customised to you based on a detailed assessment by the hand therapist. Exercise is important as part of successful rehabilitation post-injury or surgery and are an integral part of ensuring return of upper limb function and strength.

Manual therapy techniques:

These are used to improve mobility, function and to assist with the reduction of swelling post-injury or surgery.

Scar management: 

Scar tissue is a natural part of the body’s healing process. Scarring can lead to reduced function in the hand or can lead to a sensitive, painful or unsightly scar. Your therapist will assess and guide you with effective care for your scar.

Oedema (swelling) management: 

Swelling post-injury or surgery can effect the movement and function in the hand. Effective management can reduce swelling and pain and aid in recovery.

Get in touch today